Why home is a safe place to live in?

Name: Miguel Grade Level: Grade 5 School:Lord nelson Why home is a safe place to live in? Why home is a safe place to live in it? Because home is a safe place so no one will break in to our area and, even you need to leave the windows open because to fire alarm will go off and if your home with no food, no water, and the weather is gonna be cold or not if it’s cold they need a thicker jacket to dress up warm to survive to cold if it’s hot they need water and ice to cool yourself down. And maybe a homeless person will be going to the mall at 9:00 am before or after the mall closes and grab as much food as possible. When people say this: you're adopted, that means you need to find another family. I know it is sad to live in your normal family but you need to live with other people if another person says: you're adopted you can go back to your original family. I hope you love the What does home mean to you and I will explain more about home.


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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