What is Home?

Name: Leianna Quriante Grade Level: 4 School: Lord Nelson School What is home? What is home? Home is the safe place and where your journey starts. Home is the safest place to be because your family is there and even if you're adopted it's still home and it’s so good to have a home. Home is where you learned how to walk. Learned how to be nice and not be mean and do you know who taught you all of that is your family. Remember home is the safest place to be and when you get home your family is there when you go downstairs your family is there. Your family is always there for you all times! Do you know why? Because they love you. So that was one of like what home means to me and I am doing another one. So what does home mean? Well when i'm at home i feel safe and nice and home or like having a home to me is so special because i get to be with my family and everyone is going to protect you and having a home is so important. Because you have a place to stay in and live in and without a home you wouldn't have a place to stay in or live in. So that is what home means to me and. I wish anyone who has no where to stay in and there homeless i wish you to have a place it doesn't have to be big it can be anything i just wish anyone that is homeless to have a home. Ok so that is what home means to me.


4 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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