What Home Means To Me
Home is a place where you feel safe and loved by your family. When at home you are most yourself and can be any emotion. When you are at home you can show your emotions the most and it is a place where you can truly be yourself without judgement. Home is a place where you will always have a good laugh and will get to spend time with each other. Some people do not have a home to go back to or family to look up to, so I am incredibly grateful I have a roof over my head and family to have a wonderful time with. Sometimes when you are angry or upset you will say things to your family that you do not mean but deep down inside you know you love them, and you will apologize. Your family will always be there for you and forgive you. Our home also protects us from things outside our home and you and your family will decorate your home differently once and a while to suit your family. Sometimes you will grow out of your home and get a new one and you will have to say goodbye to your home and pack all your stuff and move to a new house. It could be harder for others than for you, but it depends how attached you are to your home. Some people do not have enough money to get a new house and will have to make do with the home they have. I am so grateful I have a home that I can come to every day after school and feel loved and everybody in the world should be able to feel that to.