The Perfect Place For Me
The cat has clawed the furniture.
The dog has chewed the door.
The baby coloured on the wall.
Chairs have scarred the floor.
The faucet in the shower leaks.
The tables full of stains.
The kitchen ceiling fills a pan,
Every time it rains.
I guess it’s not a perfect house,
As anyone can see.
But, this is where my family is
so it’s the perfect house for me.
A home can be made of sticks and mud.
Or great big blocks of snow.
A home can be 20 stories tall.
Or in the ground below.
A home can be way up on a hill.
Or next to the ocean wide.
A home can have a mill above.
Or a chimney on its side.
A home can be where you are safe and sound.
Or with family friends and more.
A home can be where you have your heart.
And all that you adore.
And that is why this is the perfect place for me!