The Meaning of Home
The Meaning Of Home
I may have been two years old, but i definitely remember the day we were putting the key in the lock to start a new life in our new home. I am very thankful for a beautiful home but not only that I am thankful for a place to stay, sleep and learn new things.
Home to me is a place where I can express my feelings and share how I feel. Home is comfort and makes me feel loved. If you think of it Home is where we learned to walk, talk, read, write, ride a bike and many more amazing things. Since Covid our houses are being used more than ever. It feels like that because it has turned into a school, a jungle gym, a hairdresser and probably even a pajama day every day. Now is the time to try new things in your amazing house. It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment or a condo, a home is a home where you feel welcomed.
Home to me means not one, not two, not three, it means a variety of things to me. Most importantly it is where all your memories lie. It's a place where you get to enjoy and have lots of fun. It is a place that started off with wood and bricks and has now turned into the place you look most forward and excited to go to. But wait hold it here. Does everyone else feel this way? Does everyone enjoy where they live? Everyone deserves to know what the real meaning of home actually is.
Now imagine if there was a way to make everyone across Canada have a stunning house like all of us. Well guess what there is all you have to do is write a poem or an essay and each raises 10 dollars to someone in need for a home. In mid February the habitat of humanity reads all of the poems or essays and chooses 3 lucky winners to have 30,000 grande to give to a person of your choice. Across Canada we have raised 17040$ for those in need. Now it is your turn to go make an essay or poem.
However, there are 2.2 billion children across this world. Half of those people are living in a huddled tight blanket and if you are a little fortunate you will be lucky enough to have a dog to keep company. Now it's not fair that a quarter of that number are living in shiny white beautiful mansion well the rest yes they are living under a bridge. Now is your turn to help those in need.
I know you may not think about this usually but imagine if you lived under a bridge. Now you know you would not feel welcomed , so if you have a chance please please please donate to the habitat of humanity and make someone smile today. If I win I will make sure to pick someone that I know will really appreciate the money and they will be the next to have a stunning home like the rest of us.
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