What Home Means to Me
The home I love is not just because of the decorations.
It is the people inside it that make it so great.
The people you trust and the people love.
You make new memories but none will replace the old ones,
With the people who love you and you love tons.
House and home are two different things.
A house is a roof over your head with walls and windows.
It is where you sleep and eat and return each day.
You can buy the things that make a house at a store.
The things that make a house a home can never be bought for they are special in every way.
A home is somewhere you feel safe and comfortable.
A home has all types of memories from the first day you moved in.
It is where you’ve watched movies and played board games just to have some fun together.
It is where you feel comfortable and calm when you go to sleep.
Everyone deserves a home that is amazing.