Why our homes are special? They make me feel safe and loved.
A home is not like a normal house it is a building that makes you feel safe and
loved. Homes are something everyone loves you come home from school or from
work and feel great laying down and knowing your nice and safe.
Where would you enjoy living? the nice seas, the city’s, or Even the forest. Point is
having a house is a big gift. A lot of people do not have a house. You should be
more than thankful to have a roof over your head. My main point here is having a
house is a great gift to bring happiness, joy and love to your family.
I feel so happy waking up on a sunny day to go to school or even just going
outside that is one of my favorite perks of having a house. A house is something
every animal human and living thing should have a house.
These are the reasons I feel special and safe in my home.
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