The Journey of Home
Born in my new address, 3 milky way
It all started when I was living in my mother’s womb.
It was like a little tomb. But then I heard a boom.
I saw light. Shining bright. I had a little spittle.
I lived in a place called the hospital.
It was great, they gave me food that tasted amazing
but they gave me a little.
Then after days, I had to move.
I went into a car and felt a new groove
A building is where I started to learn what home is.
Home is a bliss.
If I’m feeling fear, home is there.
Home is the best care.
I have to remember the light
that home gives me, love and encouragement
I’m gonna shine it really bright.
Still living in 3 milky way, Years passed really fast
and now in a new house.
Living in a new way
I read my letter signed by Home. Under the pretty gloam.
Writing on the walls, talking while you're walking, running while you’re humming, what else is more stunning.
Banging on the floor, what more?
Singing so loud, like a huge crowd.
I love all of that stuff. Even though it might be a bit rough. And when you breathe and dance. I love it all including your laugh.
As you travel through the milky way galaxy, in the 3rd planet
Just remember
wherever you roam you will always have a home
Signed, 3 Milky Way, your Home