A Home To Me
When I walk into my home, I feel loved and safe and there is no where I would rather be then my home. When I walk into my home, I feel loved when I walk in my home. A home to me is where my mind can just run free and I don’t have to worry about anything.
I love when my family and I watch a movie in are pajama's or when we look at family pictures when we were all little. I love to play bored games. My favorite board game is pie face. I like eating all of the whip cream or watching my family get pied. I love when my family and I look at Family photos together. because I love looking at all of us when we were little. It makes me feel happy inside and outside.
My mom and my stepdad make me feel loved and safe and happy. I also remember when my grandma and grandpa came over and we all went golfing together and had a camp fire and rosted marshmallows. When my friends come over my friend and I play outside together and go on my trampoline together ad have sleepovers together.
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