A Turtle Shell
A Turtle Shell
Home to me is like a turtle shell, when someone enters it rings a bell
A place to eat and drink, and a place where I can skate on my rink
Home is a place with a roof over your head, but not just a place to go to bed
Playing video games, and some good old board games
A place to grow, and watch TV shows
A place to play outside, and go in the pool with a dive
A place to study, and have fun with your buddies
But most importantly, I'm always filled with love and I can feel God watching from above
A place to create laughter and memories.To unlock the shell, you just need the keys
Not a key you find at the store, but a key that opens to much more than a door
I am so fortunate for all these things, not just the things that the money brings, but all the things that come inside
By writing words we can change peoples lives, hopefully everyone can donate so others thrive