Home, home to me is where you feel safe, a place you are loved, where your family is, not always biological family members who you love. My second home is an ice rink because my friends are there, they are like family, my skating teacher she's also family to me. Family is who you love. Family could be your friends, parents, siblings, anyone you love. People who love you, who will cheer you up when you’re sad, or even on a day you don't feel like yourself.
Memories are another way to define a place as your home. At my home I have memories with my friends, my dog, my old dog, and my family. One of my favorites is 2013 Christmas I was 4 or 5 and every gift I got from my Mom and Dad I would give them a hug I will always love that memory. Another memory I love is when I got my dog Mika, she loves socks and the day after we got her she was trying to take my socks off my feet, it was so funny. It makes me laugh when I think of it.
Memories are things you should hold onto, but not the bad ones.
Home is where people love you where you can come home to when you are scared, when you are happy or just whenever .Home to me is just a place you can come home to in peace and feel loved. Home is where you are loved more than you know, where things and people you love are.
A nice quote is “Home is where you feel loved, appreciated and safe.”[Tracey Taylor]
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