What Home Means To Me

What Home Means To Me Home means lots of things to me it means family it means being together with the people you love and so much more I can’t even say.Home means I have a place to eat drink and sleep and it breaks my heart to know that some people don’t have these things.Some people don’t have clothes a place to eat drink or sleep and that's so sad I feel so bad for them.Home also means that I have siblings like my two sisters I love them even though sometimes we may be angry with each other or fight but deep down during those times we love them the most.Also my two brothers ok I’m going to be really honest but the older brother is really annoying but during those times he is being annoying I love him and I really love my baby brother because well he is a baby sometimes I actually get mad at him but thats ok thats what make you love for each other stronger.And still some people don’t have siblings so they are so bored and don’t have anyone to play with.The last thing home means to me is parents mom and dad they love me so much and I can never run away from that and some people don’t have parents and that breaks my heart the most they don’t have someone to love them or they don’t have some to take care of them and most they don’t have someone to look at as a role model. In conclusion I wanted to say I can’t name everything home means to me but I named the things I love most and that is what makes me part of a caring ,loving family. The End


5 Année

Fort McMurray, Alberta

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