Meaning of Home
Home, it's a very open topic. It can mean many things for many types of people, I think most people think of the roof over their heads, or the warm feeling of a family member’s cooking. I think after time, and the lessons I've learned even just turning twelve, it's something different. Even so, I am still among the lucky who have a roof and food on the table, privileges and clothes. If most people think of a house, then what would I think? Well I think there's more meaning to that word, the word ‘Home’ stopped just meaning ‘the house in the little creek’. When I was around 7 years old, my parents told me and my brother they were getting a divource. I couldn't tell you why I felt so betrayed, they had been taking breaks before that, but it was such a shock to me. From then I think it's changed for me, Instead of a word in a text book it became something of more meaning. Now-a-days I think it can mean many things, both my families are wonderful, especially my chosen family. We're a bunch of weirdos, but happy weirdos. Home...It's such a big topic, I've got so many homes, I don't know if I could count them all. I think one home that helped me a lot was Anime, as silly as it sounds. Nobody's perfect, it's why we confide in our friends, and fondest dreams. For me, it was moving characters on a screen. I think it's better to confide in someone or something you trust, or feel safe in, I think that's what home is to most. Home doesn't Not have to be walls and a roof, or your favourite macaroni, that's not what qualifies something as home, it's what you make of it. It's the people and memories that make it home, not the items and phones. This is what I truly feel is home, even if I'm privileged, I’d like to hope that everyone can find what they feel is home, and breathe it in. There's this saying, from one show I'm finishing right now that for some reason made me really think about this. It's called Naruto, It was originally a manga series but I've currently only seen the show. In the show there's this mentor, named Jiraiya, who passes this quote onto his student.
‘A place where someone still thinks of you, is a place you can call home.’
I think this one quote from what seems like a childish show to others, but means a lot to me, is what I believe is home. It might seem childish to obsess over some silly anime that people think is weird, but it means the world to me.
And, I don't know about you. But I’d say my weird, kind and spontaneous family, might just be mine.
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