What home means to me?
What home means to me? People often say home is where your heart is, but a house is just made out of walls, which is nothing at all compared to family. Now don't get confused because family is not about being blood related. It is about those who love you. I think what makes my home special is traditions and the love we share. No, I don't mean that never fight but we all love each other and we all know it. Ok now I said traditions is also what makes my family special like every Christmas eve me and my brothers stay up all night and if one of us falls asleep we wake each other up. We also strongly believes in god. Now I am going to talk about something that impacted everyone covid 19 you might be thinking what does covid 19 have to do with home well I will tell you. When covid hit it was hard a first because me and my family had never spent this much time together but it got easier over time. Now this is something that lost of people struggled with but they also struggled with money and because of that lost of people loss their home and that is so hard. Thanks for listening about what home means to me.
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