There Is No Place Like Home
There Is No Place Like Home
A home is a special place. My home makes me feel safe. Everyone in my home is familiar to me and the smells coming from the kitchen and swirling through the rooms remind me I’m loved. My home is where I feel most happy. I giggle and laugh with my sister as we play games and create our own coded languages. My home is special because it is the keeper of my secrets, where I make memories with those I care for.
My home is where I spend time with my family. In the dining room, I eat all my meals with my family and share stories about our day. In the living room, we cuddle up to watch movies. In my bedroom, I keep all my special things, and at night, I lay my head on my soft pillow and dream about my future.
A home is all you need. It provides shelter and warmth, clean water and security. I could not imagine what it would be like to be without a home. Everyone deserves a home, big or small, where they feel cared for and safe.