What Home Means To Me
What Home Means To Me
Home. H stands for home. When I’m in my home I feel safe.Even when I’m all alone at home. When I’m home I feel comfortable, cozy, safe and sound, and I feel happy . My home is the only place I call home.
Our. O stands for our home. In my house there's three of us; my mom, my dad and myself.Our house has been my home for my whole life. In our house we have had so many fun and exciting times like when I got my cat Ace when I was 6 . Our home is ours.
Memories. M stands for memories. I have so many memories of my friends and family. I have had some awesome times like New Years, my birthday’s and sleepovers. Most of my best memories have been in my home. But there have also been some bad memories like water leaks. All in all, most of the memories in my home have been good.
Enter. E stands for enter. When I enter my home I feel warmth and kindness from all the people around me.When I enter I see all of our pictures and some of my drawings and it makes me feel so grateful because some people don’t get that feeling when they walk inside their door. H-O-M-E Home is special to me.