My Home
I am from drums.
From Specialized and Pearl
I am from the double driveway.
The steep stairs and a huge backyard.
I am from the dandy lions which are so yellow in the summer.
I am from a family that loves to read.
From the Shutes and the Peveril's.
I am from a funny family and a family that loves to play board games.
From brush your teeth and wash your hands.
From going to see the pastor at the big blue church.
I'm from North Carolina with Scottish in my blood.
Peanut butter balls and Ben and Jerrys.
Neighbor that used to call me Bonhomme.
The time that my 2-year-old sister walked down the road by herself.
The pictures in there frames up on the walls.
Love your family with all your heart because nobody lives forever.
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