Meaning of Home
To me, home is more than just a house. Home is family, warmth and traditions.
To me, home is family. Home is an amazing place for friends and family to come together. When people are happy their smiles shine so bright that they out shine all other lights. Loving warm hugs always make people feel cared for. When I am with my family I always feel safe and that my home is here.
To me, home is wonderful and warm. There are cozy soft blankets just asking to be snuggled with at night. A comfortable couch like a pile of fuzzy pillows joins in with the soft blanket. I read books full of adventures that fill me with excitement while curled up in my velvety bed. I always feel at home with these calming items.
Home is the traditions I have with my family. On Christmas eve we light up our Christmas tree which glows as bright as a star. After tobogganing in winter, we make really delicious hot chocolate and its scent fills the air. We get ready for Christmas and see when Santa will come on Christmas eve. Traditions are the most important part of home.
To me, home is all of these things, but when a family does not have the shelter of a house all the happy moments can be taken over by hard times. I think that because the Habitat for Humanity builds houses and helps people afford houses, more families will have houses to live in and share memories with each other. This is what home means to me.
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