The Meaning of Home
my moms voice starts to echo through the room "do you know the meaning of home?"
"Yes, a home is a place where you live," I respond.
"no you are wrong" these words ring inside of me, how could I be wrong I'm never wrong
"than what is the answer" I say in a snarky tone
"home is not a place but the people you love the most, love to spend time with, and most of all the memories you have together, a home is made of love, a house is just a building, this reminds me of a poem I wrote in grade 6 so just a little bit older than you.
love hope home all the same,
every day the strength of these grow alone,
love and hope make home,
hope and home make love,
love and home make hope,
alone these are strong but together they are one.
That was the poem. Now what is the meaning of home" all of her words replay in my head. Is there any simple way to say this?
"home is not a fiscal place, but a place made of love in you memories with the things and people you love"
a house is a building, a home is love
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