Home is not a House

Home is not a house Home is not a house Home to me is to come home from school and see my dogs wagging their tails excited to see me and the smell of my stepdad's amazing cooking. Home to me is a place I can feel welcomed and a place I can spend time with my family and dogs and cats and it makes me happy to spend time with them. Home is not just a house, it's a place where you feel loved and make memories and endless laughs. I always feel full of joy and fun whenever I feel down. I Can just see my dogs and a big smile pops up on my face. Home is not just a house or just a place it's something way more than that, it’s a place that you can feel loved, feel good, feel happy, feel special and just the thought that there are eight billion people on earth and somehow I got a loving, caring, helpful, funny and great family. Home is not just a house it may not feel like it yet but if you look at all the possibilities then you can create countless memories and endless laughs but if you don't you may miss out on all the fun.


Grade 5

Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and Labrador

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