Meaning of home
The meaning of home is not four walls and a roof. A home is where you can be you, a place you can be yourself. In a home you get this feeling like nothing is impossible, it’s all right there in front of you. You just have to reach out and touch it. Something happens, it’s hard to describe, you express your true identity. In a home you always have people by your side and they always have your back forever. In a home you rejoice the good memories and get rid of the bad ones. If you have a home you should be thankful, not everyone has a home.
The feelings in my home are happiness, joy and love. Happiness is always in my home. It flows through my home like a sunny day. Joy is laughter, the stories once told are blowing in the air like daisies in a meadow. Love is life and life is love. Everyone has love, no matter where they are, whether it is memories or family, everyone has love.
My home is spectacular. My home is a safe place filled with feelings and memories. The warmth fills my heart with joy like when you walk along a beach at sunset in the summer. I have lots of feelings in my home and memories like every year's birthday and my play dates with friends. I close my eyes and picture all the memories. I love the feeling that my home brings with lots of wonderful moments. They swoosh around in my mind like butterflies in a field. That's what home means to me.
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