Home for You
Having a house is great; it provides shelter, warmth, and safety, however, many people suffer from homelessness, that's why giving them a house is important! Habitat for humanity does that. They help people find happiness by making their house unique to them, make their home have value, and make it their very own. Read this to see why making a house into a home is so important.
There are many differences between a house and a home but a big one is that a home is your own. You might be able to invite people into your house, but family and friends feel comfortable and welcome to enter your home. Sometimes we have to leave our house behind, but home is with us everywhere at any time. People can tell you that their house is better than yours, but no one can tarnish your home with their words. No matter where you move or which house you live in, your home will always remain with you wherever you go.
There are multiple reasons why a home has special value but these are the most important. Everyone's home is different, your home is special to you, that's what gives your home a very special value. A house can be bought with money, but a home is worth more than money can buy. A house can cost a lot but a home is created by special moments and times. Home isn’t just a thing or something, it's meaningful to you.
A home is unique to you and unique for you. Your house might look alike to someone else's, but it’s on the inside that makes it different and special to you. You design your home to fit you and your family, not for other people. A home is unique because you have the privilege to use your belongings and turn it into your home, but some people don’t have that privilege and that is why the habitat for humanity organization is so important.
Writing this made me realize that having a home is a privilege to some but not all, not everyone has a house to call home. A home is unique to you, a home has a special value, and a home is your very own. Hopefully this made you realize the importance of home.
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