What Home Means To Me
Home is a safe space where I can talk about anything that's on my mind.
Home is a caring and loving place filled with laughter.
Home is a place with different emotions and trustworthy people.
Home is not only a place to live in but it's also a place to share stories, make special memories, enjoy a family dinner and express yourself in a way you can't in any other place.
Home can sometimes be a place to argue about who's right, but in the end everybody loves each other to bits.
Home is where I can enjoy a quiet space, but a place to also be loud and fun with family.
In a home I create a bond with my family. Home is a place where I wake up with a smile on my face and run down stairs when I smell the delicious chocolate chip pancakes.
What makes my day is my mom’s heartwarming smile that lights up my home. In the summer my home smells like delicious barbecue that my dad makes.
In the winter the smell of warm cookies on Christmas Eve when the excitement fills my heart with the thought of the next day.
In the fall when the fragrance of vanilla pumpkin pie fills my home. In spring when my backyard looks so magical and pretty with blooming flowers.
No other place can replace my home.
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