But a home has...

A house has walls but a home has colors on the walls that makes us feel at home. A house has a ceiling but a home has lights on the ceiling to help us see and make lasting memories. A house has rooms but a home has a living room so you can live happily with your family. A house has a yard but a home has a backyard where you can play and have fun with your family. A house has weird holes in the walls but a home replaces that with windows where you can see the outdoors. A house has a bedroom but a home puts clothes and a bed in that home you call yours. A house has rooms but a home has furniture and a television to help us feel comfortable and have fun. A house might have a family but a home has a family that you can trust and give you love and hope for the goal you hope to achieve. Habitat for humanity provides all of these things to people in need.


Grade 5

Cornwall, Prince Edward Island

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