My Home Is Not A House
In my opinion a home does not mean new nice stuff or a super nice shelter. It means spending time with your loving family and or friends. Also it means stuff you could not buy.Even if you had a billion dollars you still could not by it .It should not matter if your home is old or rundown because the only thing that should matter is what is on the inside. The meaning of a house is a shelter where you can stay, eat, sleep or stay warm .A home could also mean a shelter but it is a shelter where you feel safe,loved and know your meant to be there.One of my favorite sayings is a home is a place you could never replace like those first little steps as your parents cheer you on or you saying your first words like mama or dada. In a home you are always going to feel like you belong .Ya you could say a house has a some of the things that a home has . But the one thing a house could never have are those tiny memories that bring you so much joy and happiness. That is what home means to me.
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