Home sweet home
Home sweet home
Every day I come home there is a sweet warm feeling in my heart. In my comfortable living room, I make good memories. We sit down every Saturday after we play soccer and we enjoy a good movie . My warm bedroom is my favourite place to go in my house. We read there every night and sometimes we stay up really late. Me and my family love my backyard. We like to play soccer always for fun and sometimes with friends.I am usually the goalkeeper and I am pretty good. My sister is defence.In my family we play soccer except for my mom she plays basketball. She says it is fun. In the summer we play in the pool. My family is very kind and really noisy and everyone has a good mind. I have two sisters, one big and one small and even though they drive me crazy and they are very nosy, I am still very cozy and happy .
I love my home sweet home.
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