A home is a cozy space to be warm and to be loved by your families. To laugh and play with them,
To get along with them, to be in a cozy space with them. A home is a safe place to live and sleep in.
Home can be a loud space but it can be a quiet space too. My home is a working home. We work all
day and get along .All homes have colors and are all beautiful in their own way and are all pretty
and cool. Every home is protected and safe. Some homes are loud and some are quiet. Some homes
Are designed and some are not but no matter what a home looks like or sound like all homes are
beautiful ! All homes are not just walls and a roof but they are special and unique. Some homes are
Small and some are big but no matter the size or height but as long as you like your home it's just right.
By: Ivy M 🫰