A Home
Home is a place to feel safe. It’s a place to make mistakes so don’t be afraid
To ask questions to your family. You should feel welcome Even if you get
Really angry your family will always love you no matter what.You can let
Your emotions out anytime.Your family is like a brick it will never fall apart.
You will always love your family.Your family is people that you can trust
and love.
I really appreciate the cooked meals that my mom makes for me
And the effort she puts into the food. I thank her for the time she
Takes out of her day to make me fresh food. I love the meals you
Make for me they're so delicious! With so much texture in the food.
I am so thankful that i get to play soccer because i get to do the
Stuff I like the most. And i get to make more friends at soccer
practice. I'm so grateful that you let me play soccer!.
My family is the best thing in the world they would do
Anything for me Even protects me from danger.
These are the reasons why home means so much to me