Love Is Everywhere

One day a man named Greg said “I'm so bored.My house is so boring. Cant wait to move”. But money was a problem because Greg did not have a job. “All right I need a job. Lets see Garbage man? No. Construction worker? No. Engineer? No. Window cleaner? No. I can't find any jobs. I can’t do any of these I'll just have to find one somehow”. “Maybe my wife has a suggestion”?Ring ring ring . ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring. ”Hello” ”Hi what do you need?” “Can you please help me find a job?” “sure have you looked on the internet yet?” “yeah I can't find any jobs”. ” I will help. Actually you can just take some of my money here you go” “okay thank you”. “700 okay that's enough thank you”. ”All right I'm at the airport”. “can I get the ticket to London?” “sure”.” love you $700 thank you”. 3 hours later…. “let's read this brochure it says hello home is a place where love is. home is a place where I can find things I love to do with other people what a nice brochure”.I landed all right let's look for some houses.” “hey that's a nice house I know I just got here but I'll buy it” .”home is a place where I can find love home is a place where people can see each other every day”. “home is a place for Love. I love my new house and also thank the people that help you with other things like if you were in a bad situation they would help you. After they help give help to them back”. “Love is everywhere”.the end.


Grade 4

Kinkora, Prince Edward Island

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