My Home to Me
Home means where I can make mistakes and learn from them. My home is where my secrets are safe and where I can keep my siblings secrets from my mom. Home is a place where I live also it's a place where I don't feel judged but feel loved. It is also a place where I make handshakes with my siblings, watch movies and play board games. I also make lots of memories with my family like trips and when I got my dogs it was the best.
If you are thinking about just telling my mom from keeping secrets from .Well she's a single mom of 5 kids and 4 dogs. She tries to give us everything we want. so even if we don’t see my dad as much he still means everything to me he still does stuff for us. My mom will drive us to basketball games and practice. My dad 's the coach but she'll go and cheer on us. Four of us are in basketball and my older brother in boxing. I’m the youngest. It can be hard but I like It to though.
My grandparents' home is my home too. We make treats, watch movies and laugh. I have 3 nanny's my dad has 2 moms, one Who raised him and one who gave birth to him. My mom also has a mom.
The food I eat is amazing. I appreciate the food I get. Not everybody gets to eat food or have a home cooked meal.
I have friends who care for me like Sophia. We went to Cuba and stayed up late to watch the shows. And we went swimming. It was so
fun. And we played family and ate white cotton candy.
That's what home means to me.
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