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Homes are for Everyone

A home is a very special place because not everyone has one but something we all have is a family. Homes are full of joy and laughter. We have a home for only one reason, to spend time together and enjoy your family members while you can. Some people have big, beautiful homes and some people may not but it doesn't matter because every home is alike in a way. Homes hold our family together. That is why homes are very special places. Some people have video games, phones, and jewelry and you might not but it doesn't matter because we all have a heart, and if some of us choose to be unkind to people who have different qualities than us, they just don't use their hearts properly. It's never kind to make fun of someone. Maybe you have a better quality than them but it doesn't mean you need to brag about it. Other people might think differently than you, but that's their choice you need to pick the right ones. Homes are for people and pets. Homes are for everyone.


Grade 5

Seven Persons, Alberta

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