Living In the Cabin
When I lived in the cabin we had no running water. We went to my grandma's house to get water. How we got the water : we use milk jugs and water jugs. We transported it by car. We don't live that far away, so it was easy to get the water from point A to point B. The cabin had electricity. For one year we had wood stove heat. The second year we had an electric heater up stairs. We slept up stairs, I had a mattress to sleep on and my mom had a queen size bed off of the ground. We showered at my grandma’s house. We had three cats in the cabin and two dogs. When it got - 30 to -40 we had our outside dogs come inside the cabin. (Back then we had two huskies) When that happened the cabin was cramped. In the cabin was me, my mom, my dad and all of the animals. Maybe even some birds. And mice. While I had gone to school my parents had to look after everything.