Home is...
Home is a place where love can thrive.
Home is a place where friendships fly.
Home can be big or small in size.
And home can be new or old, it's fine.
Home can have a cost that is sky high.
And home can have a cost so low it crashed.
But home will always let you live and play!
Whatever you crave!
Home can be simple or complex or a mess but home can be yours or anyone’s at best.
Home can look cool, even plain, or unique!
But home will never have gray nor pain.
Home will need a bit of your love and home will need more of laughter and hugs.
But even if you can't take care of it nice.
Home will comfort you.
With shelter and rest.
Home can crack if you treat it bad, but home will never ever stab your back.
Home is a place where love will thrive.
And home is a place where love can’t die.