Meaning of Home
Home doesn't have to be a building, it's somewhere where your heart is held that could be a box or a van even though there's no candy my friend checked. That's beside the point as i was saying it doesn't matter where your home is as long as it's your home. It could be ugly but as long as its our home it could be pretty doesnt matter its your home. I have a home others do to ur house could be a wood cabin with a fireplace as long as its ur home ur comfort ur bed or couch ur everything it's your home if u get evicted just remember that was ur old homeland when u have enough money for a new home buy a new one make that ur home boom u have a new home ur comfy place again u have ur bed couch mom dad sis and ur family so as long u have them ur good they could be ur home wich is good bc my mom and family is my home and i'm happy about it. It is a place to keep ur shoes ur life all that ur pets also have homes u and ur home is their home to its a place to keep ur cloths your pets family and other stuff it could be wet it hold ur memories if your home is destroyed u would be sad i would be but u should get a new home for new memories like when i moved here I was sad because I had to leave my friends and I like friends because they keep us company when ur all alone so home is ur place ur moms place ur dads place so that's what home means to me