I am from...
I am from a quiet street where not many vehicles cross from left to right,
I spent 6 years growing up there and it was a small house but my home.
The two backyards separated by a giant bush.
It was home
I am from a small house that when we got there needed some work,
luckily my dad was in construction.
I remember eating an oreo donut while sitting on a steel ladder,
or falling off the couch into a bin of solid toys,
and the time I almost caught my hare on fire while playing UNO.
I am from the cat who went in the walls,
my dad who really hated the cat and watched Top Gear,
my mom who took pictures when I was younger,
my annoying sister who painted and ruined cups with nail polish,
and my brother who got hit in the head with a drone from my dad.
I am from the small house that I hated but that I knew.
The house I almost caught fire to my hare while playing UNO,
but all those memories make the house that I grew up in
into my home I grew up in.
I am from home.