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Meaning of Home

I like my house because it’s big and I have made lots of memories there like making bonfires and s’mores, hanging out with family, and playing with my dogs and cousins. I like when my cousins come over because we always play fun stuff. I love to celebrate traditions like Diwali, Holi and Rakhi. My most favorite tradition is Diwali. Diwali is a festival of lights. It’s my favorite tradition because I get money and chocolate. Another thing I like to do is watch airplanes come by because I like airplanes. I like to hangout with my uncle because he orders food for everyone. Now I will tell you about my apartment. I like my apartment because it’s small, cozy, and warm. I like to be in my room because I do all my work and rest in my bed. I also like the bathroom because in my opinion it’s relaxing. I love to play with Lego in my room. In my room, I like to look out the window because it’s a nice view and I am on the 3rd floor. I have also made lots of memories with my mom. I like the smell of my house and apartment when my family makes butter chicken and others food. I like watching TV with my mommy. I also like to lay down in my bed and relax while watching YouTube. I also like to play with my baby cousin. He always brings me to the pantry so I can count and find him.


Grade 5

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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