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My Home

Have you ever thought about the meaning of home and how lucky you are to have one? Well I have and I wanted to explain things that describe mine. My home is very cozy and very spacious, my house is spacious for the 5 people in my family including me, and it gives us more space to roam around too. I love that my home is like that because then we can have parties and have lots of space to play and have fun in. My home is cozy because when its winter and it's cold we will put up our Christmas tree and put our fireplace on to watch movies while drinking hot chocolate and roasting marshmallows outside in our fire pit. It gives me an amazing great feeling, and I think everyone should have that nice feeling! My home also gets lots of drama and feelings going around each day. I am pretty sure everyone else does too! For example when me and my sisters like to play and fight around it can get very loud. And if we have company over we will say funny jokes and be very sarcastic around each other. Those are examples of my families feelings and good times we have with them. My home has great memories of the food we order and eat together. Like when my dad comes home and brings Armenian or Greek Food that's always smells a little funky but taste awesome! And when we order my favorite sushi from the restaurant that is less than 5 minutes away. Those are some great memories, me and my family had made together in our home. For me, my home is where I live and my family lives and that's the most important part because we are all together. So, to finish off I just want to thank Habitat for humanity for making homes for those families in need to have a safe and fun caring environment to live in.


Grade 5

Toronto, Ontario

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