The Meaning of Home
What does home mean to you? Home can mean a whole lot of things. To me personally home means privacy, family, and traditions.
First, You can't have a home without your own privacy. My space for privacy is in my bedroom. I go to my bedroom for privacy to do homework to relax or to read also to text and call my friends. I also go to my room for privacy if I had a bad day in school. Privacy is important to me because it's somewhere I can go to get some time to myself or if I'm mad and need to be away from everyone. Privacy is very important in a home.
Second, You can't have a home without a family in it. Together me and my family bake cookies, cakes, banana bread and other yummy foods. We like to go on trips and road trips throughout the year like summer and winter. My favourite part is the holidays because my family decks out the house for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Valentines day and Halloween. We love to have parties and invite people over on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and some of our birthdays. A loving family is very important in a home.
Third, You can't have a home without making traditions. When we make traditions in our family we make sure the first time we start them that they're very memorable. Some of our traditions are that we go away every year for my birthday. Sometimes we go to Mexico/Cancun, Florida, and Barbados. Other traditions are that we love to go on long road trips. We go all the time in the summer time around late August. Sometimes we go in early August depending on how we are feeling. Traditions are very important when you are in a home.
Personally I think home means privacy, my family, and traditions. These things are important to make a house a home. Imagine a world where no one has a family.
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