What Home Means to Me

What Home Means To Me By Alivia Mackay To me home means love and family. I feel safe in my home and protected by my family. Home is an amazing place for me and my family, to have fun together and make memories. At home you can cry and show emotions and trust your family. Home is an awesome place to be, with lots of love and people who care for you. Having a roof over my head, makes me feel safe and warm. Home is filled with care and happiness. I always no I am safe at home, because the people and pets that I love are there with me. Home is where I cuddle and watch movies and have fun. I always know I am at a safe place when I am at home. At home there are people and things I love and people who care for me. Home is where I can learn things, play, watch movies and best of all spend time with my family.


Grade 4

Kinkora, Prince Edward Island

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