Not a place on your street, it’s a place in your heart.
It’s a place where you write and do art.
It's where you have your firsts and lasts.
It's where you play games and play with baseball bats.
Home is where you play and rest.
It's where you start and end.
It's where I play with my sibling and talk.
It's where I learned to crawl and walk.
Home is not a place many can have.
So, I cherish it with my mom and dad.
I love to cook my favourite foods with my grandpa.
I love to learn with my grandma.
Home is where you learn and talk.
It's where you go with your family to the park or for a walk.
Where I come after school and watch my favourite show.
Where I ask questions and wonder how.
Home is our country, it's where we originate from.
I come from Pakistan and that’s where I’m from.
Sometimes I miss it there and that’s okay,
Because Canada has shown me what home is, and that I have a way.
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