What Home Means To Me

Home is what makes me safe. Home means hearing music like birds chirping that my mom listens to. Home means feeling warm with love. Home means means smelling the fresh cookies being baked and food being cooked. Home means seeing a family that will love me for my whole life. Home means tasting the wonderful food that is provided for me. The food that I like jumps in fast. But the bad food has second thoughts. Home means my stuffed penguin that loves to cuddle me with its lovely fur as soft as a llama. Home means brothers that play with me and towers of books that are ready to be read. Home means a roof over my head and a floor below my feet. Home means hearing the clock singing tick tock it is time to go to bed my parents are waiting to tuck me in and put me to sleep. Home is where it is safe.


Grade 5

Vancouver, British Columbia

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