The Meaning of Home
The meaning of home is different for many people, but for me, it means a place that I can go to when I am troubled. As Judy Garland once said in the film The Wizard Of Oz, “There’s no place like home.” When someone says home, I think of my loving, caring family who has been there for me every step of the way in my life. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, home simply means the residence of a person, but I think it means much more than that. Home is where you were raised, and you could probably say a city or a town community is your home too. It is where you make hundreds of thousands of memories, like my ninth birthday at the hockey rink. Most importantly, it is where you belong. However, the reason I am writing this is because of the people who don’t have the privilege of having a place to call home. Imagine going out for a stroll, but the place you leave isn’t a loving home. That would probably be one of the worst things that can happen in this world; knowing that you didn’t have a place to call home. It makes me sad, just thinking about people unhoused surviving outside in super cold weather. I’m cold with gloves, a toque, a winter jacket and boots on, and the unhoused don’t have most of those things. I believe that everyone deserves a home, no matter how rich or how poor you are. Home is a safe place where you can feel loved and cared for. Without it, you would feel very lost and alone. That is why, in my opinion, everyone deserves a home.
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