My name is Isabelle and this is what home means to me. Home is a place where I can see my dog Zoey and it is so sweet. Home is also a place that keeps us safe from rainy days and lets us have fun together and be joyful with laughter by being happy.
Things that are in my home are pictures of my family and details of memories and love. Other things that are in my home are a bed to sleep on and food to eat when I am hungry and want food to eat. Other things that are in my home are fun times of making homemade food like pizza or cupcakes that when we are ready to eat, we sit down at our table and eat the food we made together.
My family is always at my home, and we all sit down at our table and talk about our day and fun times we had together when we went on vacation
Every person should get a home and thank you for giving people homes and you are very kind and thoughtful for giving people homes. And I am thankful for the home I live in today and there is no place better than my home.
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