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Home By Cohen Home is a place where I feel safe, anyone can have fun. Home is a place where there is food, water, fun, love. You can have plenty of people accolading mom dad and as many siblings. Home is where I can eat delightful food. Home is special to me because I have stuff I like. People are not the only things you can love pets also as in fish cat's dog. You can laugh and make love. As years go by you can add to your home like a pool. You can celebrate birthdays, have cake and cupcakes, and have an enjoyable time. You can live together for ever. Home is where fun happens, and joy happens. A home is for everyone. You can hang pictures of your family. Home is where people have a wish for nothing to happen. It is hard to build so many homes, but everyone needs a home. Every building needs a person in it. This is why everyone needs a home.


Grade 4

Spencerville, Ontario

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