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Meaning of home

By: Alexis MacDonald Home is not just a place, it is a place where people are loved and make memories with family. Home is a place where you celebrate holidays. Home is a place where it is warm and people are cared for. It is a place where you can feel yourself, be happy and hang out with friends. Home is where you make sure you are there for your family when times are hard. My home is where my Mom is sitting on the couch reading her book, my Dad cleaning and my Sister playing. My house is filled with laughter, conversations about our day and the noise of my sister and I playing. It is a place where me and my family watch movies and play bored games or card games together. My home is where we can go in our pool, sit on our deck, have fires and play outside/ practice sports in the summertime. My home smells like food all the time from my parents cooking and my Nana’s treats she bakes and brings for us all to enjoy. That is the meaning of home for me. Thank you habitat for humanity for doing this to help build people/families homes.


Grade 6

Sarnia, Ontario

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