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Home is Life

Home is a place where there is love. Home is a place where you feel safe, warm, included, and loved. Home to me is a place to be free. Having play dates at home. Having birthday parties at home. Having fun at home is home. I hear different sounds at home like the sizzling when my mom cooks. I feel different emotions like joy. I see red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, bran, black, and all the colures at home. I smell, nice things at home like pizza being made. I taste spicy noodles that my mom made. Home is a place where families get together. Home to me is a new adventure as my sisters and I play games using our imagination. Home to me is doing home reading and homework. As my family and I grow up at home it is like a little flower growing into a big plant. Home to me is where my family celebrates our family tradition. Home to me is wonder. Home to me is a place where we eat ice cream on hot summer days with my family. Home to me is a cozy warm bed where my eye lids close to go to sleep. As I wake up, I see a new day. Home is place where surprises come. Home to me is a room full of toys. Home to me is a future that holds new ideas for everyone. Home to me is where I watch something get fixed. Home might have bad places, but those bad places turn into good places. I am glad I have a home. Home to me is the first time I saw my home. It was empty because we were moving in. Now I grow up and new things are to come. Home is joy. Home is life.


Grade 4

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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