The Heart of the Home
Home. Sounds familiar doesn't it? It’s the place where we grow our stripes and learn our identities. Home can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. The fresh and hot smell of my grandma’s roti, or my mother gently rocking me in her arms. No matter if your family is poor or rich it is still a home, because a home isn’t four walls and a roof it’s a place with people you love.
Every home has a meaning to be there either a tiny flat in the city or an old farmhouse in the country. All homes are living things and every living thing has a heart that pumps love and compassion to everyone around it. If you had a bad day your family would be a shield from all the negativity and you can express yourself freely. No matter what your family will be there for you comforting you and telling you that everything will be okay, even if things aren’t.
Not every home has had an easy time, every family has had to go through hardships, challenges and tragedies. Sometimes I think how lucky I am to end up in Canada and how my grandparents had the courage to come to Canada. They had so much in India but they came here where they had nothing, they lived in a tiny apartment working hard jobs with racism and doubts from everyone around them. But everything else didn’t matter because the love and compassion kept them together for a better tomorrow.
Every home is a place where you are safe, loved, protected and cherished. As a society, I see that we don’t appreciate what we have and all the sacrifices our parents and our grandparents made for us, all the hardship and tragedy and the dreams they had to give up on. All I have to say is appreciate what you have because it might be gone one day.
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