My Comfy Cozy Home
My Comfy Cozy Home
I am thankful to have a roof over my head and be able to
sleep in a warm cozy bed. My home is a place where I
can be me. Where love and laughter is shared equally.
When I am at home, I feel safe, snuggled up under a
warm fuzzy blanket near a fireplace. Love is shared all
around, while the sun is slowly going down. I love my dog
she is fluffy and warm to cuddle and snuggle when there
are storms. I always have fun playing with my family,
covered up in warm comfy jammies. Home is where you
celebrate special occasions with your friends and family.
Home is where your family will be there for you until the
end. A huge thank you goes out to Habitat for Humanity
for providing homes for families in need.