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Meaning Of Home

My home is a song with a beautiful melody. Home is sitting by the gas fireplace that's burning and reflecting into our two shiny eyes. My home is different but it is a big part of me. Home is my stepmom holding our cat close to her chin while he starts to purr softly while dad is cooking the chicken fried rice for dinner. Home is a burning candle leaving a thin line of smoke up into the air. Home is cuddling up in a cozy blanket watching an exciting movie. Home is feeling safe in a stable house. Home is enjoying a hot vanilla steamer on a cold winter day. Home is a place where I feel confident and loved. Home is listening to Taylor Swift with my family. Home is watching the thick, white blanket of snow fall on the ground. Home is gathering around the diner table, grabbing each other's hands and saying our prayers. Home is sleeping in a comfy bed with a silk pillow under my head. Home is when me and my brother play board games in joy. Home holds my heart tight and never lets go.


Grade 4

Portage la Prairie, Manitoba

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