Dear Home
Dear Home,
You own my heart, I would miss you if I were to go anywhere. I would miss the taste of freshly baked cookies made in your kitchen. I would miss the smell of scented candles we lit. I would miss the sound of my parents saying “Good Night” and “I love you”. I would miss the sight of my family hugging me and kissing me before I go to school. I would miss the feeling of brushing my hand through my muticoulered dogs hair. This is what you mean to me.
Dear Home,
You are a place that holds the people I love. I will be with you forever. The people I love are my family. My dog, my mum and my dad. My dog comforts me when I am sad. He always cuddles with me. He makes me laugh as he does strange tricks and dances. My mum hugs me and tells me she loves me. She plays with me and cooks me food. My dad takes me to all of my classes and he plays sports with me. These are the people I love and I will always be home when I am with them.
Dear Home,
I am afraid this might be my last letter. You hold my memories and tradition. I remember losing my first tooth. I remember getting my first pet. I remember my birthdays. Me and my family have movie nights, birthdays, christmas and easter in you. Every single year. If I were to move I way I would feel empty. As if someone stole my memories. As if someone stole who I am, what I do, how I feel. This is how I would feel without you.
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